Technician Apprentice, Jobs & Vacancy in
Others at Bharat Electronics Limited , Bangalore
Jun 2012
Job or Vacancy Description:
Bharat Electronic s Limited, a leading Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise, under the Ministry of Defence, propose to engage Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961, purely for ONE year in the following designated subject fields for Bangalore Complex;
Bharat Electronic s Limited, a leading Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise, under the Ministry of Defence, propose to engage Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961, purely for ONE year in the following designated subject fields for Bangalore Complex;
Name of the post : Technician Apprentice
Designated Diploma Engineering
Disciplines :
** Electronics & Communication
** Electronics & Telecommunication
Date of Interview & Time : 19th July 2012 9:00 A.M.
** Electronics & Communication
** Electronics & Telecommunication
Date of Interview & Time : 19th July 2012 9:00 A.M.
Designated Diploma Engineering Disciplines :
** Computer Science
** Mechanical
Date of Interview & Time : 20th July 20129:00 A.M.
** Computer Science
** Mechanical
Date of Interview & Time : 20th July 20129:00 A.M.
Designated Diploma Engineering Disciplines :
** Electrical & Electronics
** Chemical
** Electrical
Date of Interview & Time : 21st July 2012 9:00 A.M.
** Electrical & Electronics
** Chemical
** Electrical
Date of Interview & Time : 21st July 2012 9:00 A.M.
Age limit : Candidates should be below 23 years as on 01.08.2012.
How to apply : Centre For Learning&
DevelopmentBharat Electronics Ltd.Jalahalli PostBangalore-560 013Selection will
be through interview only.Eligibility
in Diploma in Engineering. Only Indian Nationals are eligible.Candidates should
have passed Diploma examination on or after 01.01.2010.Following are the documents
to be produced in original for verification:SSLC Marks Card (as proof of
age).Dip loma Original Certificate or Provisional Diploma certificate.
SC/ST/OBC/PHP certificates (if any for verification)The duration of the
Apprentice Training is for ONE YEAR only.Stipend is as per the Government norms
(`2,530/-per month)

General Instructions:
1) This has reference to your application against our advertisement in NewsPapers and our official website.
2) Based on the information furnished by you, you are short-listed to appear forwritten test/Interview on 10.04.2012 at 8.30 A.M. the venue being theBE Officers Club, Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli post,Bangalore- 560 013, provided you satisfy all the conditions stipulated in ouradvertisement.
3) If qualified in the written test, you will be interviewed by the selectioncommittee on the same day or on next day to assess your suitability for thepost. You have to make your own arrangements for stay and no cost towardsthis will be met by the Company.
4) Selection for the post will be based on the post qualification, experience inArmy/Navy/Air force, the last rank held, performance in written test, interviewand the assessment by the Selection committee, in the interview.
5) Please note that the date on which you have completed the Diploma has to beclearly mentioned in the diploma certificate, because you should have servedin the Army/Navy/Air force for 15 years and above after acquiring the relevantqualification without which your candidature will be rejected.
6) You will be reimbursed only second class To and Fro train fare by shortestroute, for Interview either from your correspondence address or from actualplace of departure which ever is less, on production of tickets/receipts/ only ifyou are eligible as per our advertisement.
7) You will be allowed to appear for the written test/interview on production of allthe following relevant certificates in original along with a set of Photocopy. Date of birth certificate. Date of relieving certificate from Army/Navy/Air force.Caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/ OBC. OBC candidates shouldsubmit latest Certificate issued in the central government format fromthe competent authority).Diploma certificate clearly mentioning the date of acquiring theDiploma qualification.Call letter in original.Discharge book/certificate.
you are working in a Govt. / Semi Govt. / Public Sector/Quasi Govt., youare
required to produce “No objection Certificate” for attending
writtentest/interview is must.
9) The Management reserves the right to reject your candidature at any stage ofthe selection process or cancel this whole recruitment, without assigning anyreason whatsoever.
1) This has reference to your application against our advertisement in NewsPapers and our official website.
2) Based on the information furnished by you, you are short-listed to appear forwritten test/Interview on 10.04.2012 at 8.30 A.M. the venue being theBE Officers Club, Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli post,Bangalore- 560 013, provided you satisfy all the conditions stipulated in ouradvertisement.
3) If qualified in the written test, you will be interviewed by the selectioncommittee on the same day or on next day to assess your suitability for thepost. You have to make your own arrangements for stay and no cost towardsthis will be met by the Company.
4) Selection for the post will be based on the post qualification, experience inArmy/Navy/Air force, the last rank held, performance in written test, interviewand the assessment by the Selection committee, in the interview.
5) Please note that the date on which you have completed the Diploma has to beclearly mentioned in the diploma certificate, because you should have servedin the Army/Navy/Air force for 15 years and above after acquiring the relevantqualification without which your candidature will be rejected.
6) You will be reimbursed only second class To and Fro train fare by shortestroute, for Interview either from your correspondence address or from actualplace of departure which ever is less, on production of tickets/receipts/ only ifyou are eligible as per our advertisement.
7) You will be allowed to appear for the written test/interview on production of allthe following relevant certificates in original along with a set of Photocopy. Date of birth certificate. Date of relieving certificate from Army/Navy/Air force.Caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/ OBC. OBC candidates shouldsubmit latest Certificate issued in the central government format fromthe competent authority).Diploma certificate clearly mentioning the date of acquiring theDiploma qualification.Call letter in original.Discharge book/certificate.

9) The Management reserves the right to reject your candidature at any stage ofthe selection process or cancel this whole recruitment, without assigning anyreason whatsoever.
Tentative Last Date:21-07-2012
Address :
Bharat Electronics Limited
Jalahalli Post
Bangalore-560 013
Bharat Electronics Limited
Jalahalli Post
Bangalore-560 013
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